We had transfers last night and well, wouldn't ya know it, WE ALL STAYED (the sisters that is). It came as a surprise because Sisters Moura and Das Graças fight like a married couple, but we're all happy to be together for the third transfer. It was a little sad because our district leader, Elder Alvim, got transferred and our district had really become family, but he´s moving on to bigger and better things so tudo bem.
In other news, this weekend was awesome because General Conference!! Woo hoo!!! I don't know if you all are aware but #LDSConf is almost as good as Christmas for missionaries and Sister Bennallack and I got to watch most of it in English which was a double bonus!! I laughed, I cried (a lot), and was so, so, so uplifted and inspired. I cant put into words how grateful I am to have the opportunity to be a representative of Jesus Christ here in Brazil and share His perfect gospel with the people here. It´s rewarding sometimes, it´s hard ALL the time, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Like Elder Waddell said in his talk this weekend, the invitation of discipleship is the invitation to walk with Christ to Gethsemane, to Calvary, to the tomb, and then to the Kingdom of our Father. Dallin H. Oaks said "Mortal life wasn't meant to be easy or continually pleasant." We are here to work, to grow, and to learn. Our perfect Christ had to work and sweat and agonize to fulfill HIs purpose here, so why should it be different for us? I am so grateful for the chance I have to show the Lord that I want to change, I want to be more like Him, and I´m willing to work for it.
I thought a lot about the words to a beloved hymn this week, "Nearer my God to thee, Nearer to thee, Even though it be a cross that raiseth me". I´m grateful for my challenges and trials, and every GIANT hill I have to walk up, and every door that gets slammed in my face, and every drunk guy that asks if my black 6' 6" District Leader is my brother (".. yes, yes he is"), and then starts throwing the deodorant he´s trying to sell at us (I do not recommend this as a business model). I know that the path we walk as disciples of Christ is straight, and narrow, and challenging, but I also know that our Savior is right there beside us every step of the way. He will help you if you just ask for Him too. He knows you perfectly, and He loves you perfectly, and He's anxiously waiting for you to let Him in, so please, let Him in.
Love you all lots and hope you have a wonderful week :)
Sister Curtis
Praying for you daily (and your abilities to dodge deodorants that are thrown your way)! <3 your stories and your beautiful testimony of being a representative of our Lord and Saviour!